Access Rights and Roles

The YouDesign Roles define different levels of access and responsibilities within the application. From Admins overseeing global settings to Editors managing boards, and Viewers with read-only access, each role plays a key part in maintaining the workflow. Specific roles, like the Publisher and Approval User, further streamline the publishing and approval processes, ensuring content quality and alignment with organizational goals.

YouDesign Roles

RoleDescriptionUser StoryRights
YouDesign Admin

The highest authority in the YouDesign application, responsible for overseeing the entire application, managing global settings, and teamspaces. This role inherits Teamspace Admin rights.

As a YouDesign Admin, I have the authority to set application-wide settings, manage all Boards, and assign Teamspace Admin accounts. However, I do not have the rights to publish or approve boards.

Set application-wide settings
Manage all Teamspaces
Manage all Boards
Assign Teamspace Admin accounts
Inherit Teamspace Admin and Editor rights
Cannot publish or approve boards

Teamspace AdminThe creator/owner of a Teamspace is assigned automatically as a Teamspace Admin. Additional Teamspace Admins can be assigned via the Sharing feature.

Manages a specific teamspace, including its folders and boards. They also control team access and ensure adherence to guidelines. This role inherits Editor rights.

As a Teamspace Admin, I can create and manage folders and boards within my teamspace, control team member access, and enforce guidelines.

Create and manage folders and boards within the assigned teamspace
Control team member access
Enforce teamspace guidelines
Inherit Editor rights


Responsible for creating, modifying, and deleting Boards within a teamspace. They can invite other editors and viewers to a board, create new items and dependencies, and initiate the approval process for publishing future state items to the ServiceNow repository. This role inherits Viewer rights.

As an Editor, I collaborate with team members, create and edit Boards, invite others to collaborate, and initiate the approval process for publishing content to the ServiceNow repository.

Create, modify, and delete Boards within the assigned teamspace
Create and delete folders
Invite other editors and viewers to Boards
Create new items and dependencies
Initiate approval process for publishing future state items


Has read-only rights within YouDesign and can access content on the homepage and in presentation mode (shared content). Viewers cannot invite other users.

As a Viewer, I can review content, access shared presentations, and stay informed about the design process. However, I cannot invite others to collaborate in Teamspaces or Folders.

Read-only access to shared content
Access to homepage and presentation mode
Cannot invite others to Teamspaces or Folders


A person with the YouDesign Publish role can manually delete and publish future state items, dependencies, and field changes to the ServiceNow repository. This user also requires the Editor role.

As a Publish user, I can control the publication and deletion of items, dependencies, and field changes manually in the ServiceNow repository, ensuring they align with our design process and ACL settings.

Manually delete and publish future state items, dependencies, and field changes
Rights depend on ACLs in ServiceNow

Approval User

Responsible for reviewing and approving board content to maintain quality and consistency. This role inherits Viewer rights.

As an Approval User, I review and approve board content to ensure it meets quality standards and maintains consistency within our design process.

Review and approve board content
Approved changes are published automatically

Major Components and Actions by Role

ComponentActionUI ComponentAdminTeamspace Admin & Folder OwnerEditor & Board OwnerViewerPublish
HomeCreate TeamspaceCreate Teamspace button
HomeDelete Teamspace'Delete' option in 'More' menu on Teamspace settings page

Additional Details:

  • Publish Role: Users with the Publish role need Editor access to manage the Explorer tab or to publish elements and dependencies.
  • Viewer Role: Viewers cannot create or delete Realtime Indicators from the RTI Panel.