
The YouDesign Homepage is the main interface for browsing through Teamspaces and Boards. It allows users to manage, edit, share, and present Boards effortlessly. Key features include search and filter options, Board metadata, version control, and core controls for navigating between viewing, editing, and presenting content.


The Homepage is your main landing page when accessing the YouDesign application. Here, you can seamlessly browse through your Teamspaces and Boards, quickly navigate between editing, sharing, and presenting content, and manage board details with ease.

The Homepage is organized into several key areas:

Area / FeatureDescription
Home IconClicking the YouDesign icon always brings you back to the Homepage. This is especially useful when you're in Presentation or Editor mode.
Create TeamspaceClick the "+" icon to create a new Teamspace and rename it instantly. This section offers a quick view of all Teamspaces you have access to.
Search & FilterUse the search bar to quickly locate Teamspaces, Folders, or Boards. The filter option helps narrow down search results based on specific criteria.
Teamspace BrowserThe Teamspace Browser provides a hierarchical view of all Teamspaces (top-level), multi-level Folders (optional), and Boards. Boards can either be associated with Folders or directly to Teamspaces.
Board DetailsDisplays the Board name and path (Teamspace / Folder). Click the Board name to edit it. You’ll also see who last updated the Board and when.
TabsNavigate through Board details using the following tabs:

- About: Displays key metadata and the Board Preview.
- Members: Shows users who have access to the Board, managed through the sharing feature.
- Explorer: Displays the content of the Board in a list view and allows you to publish future-state items.
Board MetadataDisplays editable Board metadata such as description, owner, type, organization, and notes.
Versioning & StageDisplays the version and stage of the selected Board. Click to manage or change the version settings.
More OptionsAdditional options under the More Options menu include:

- Duplicate: Create a copy of the Board. The new Board will automatically be set to Draft stage.
- Delete: Permanently delete the Board.
Core ControlsMain controls for managing the Board:

- Share: Invite users or groups as viewers or editors, or copy a direct link to a Teamspace or Board.
- Present: Opens the Board in Presentation mode (requires YouDesign Viewer role).
- Edit: Switches the Board to Edit mode (requires YouDesign Editor role).
Board PreviewA read-only view of the selected Board, providing a visual overview.
View ControlsAdjust the zoom level of the Board Preview, switch to full-screen mode, or click the question mark to view the YouDesign version.