
Seamlessly Updating YouDesign on ServiceNow


Effortless Update Deployment

Updates are auto-queued in your instance, ready to be deployed by a ServiceNow admin, ensuring a seamless transition to the latest version.


Trial Version Update Limitation

Please note, ServiceNow does not support updates for trial installations of YouDesign.

Elevate Your YouDesign Experience: Update Guide

As a ServiceNow administrator, enhance your YouDesign application effortlessly. Here's your step-by-step guide to a smooth update process:

Auto-queued Updates

Updates are auto-queued in your instance, ready for deployment by a ServiceNow admin. New updates will pop up automatically, awaiting your command to install at a time that suits you.

Update Procedure

  1. Navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
  1. Locate and select the YouDesign application.
  2. Choose the desired version, then click Update. The application will update automatically on your instance.


User Acceptance Test (UAT)

Though local configurations remain unaffected by updates, conducting a brief User Acceptance Test ensures your YouDesign configuration integrity. For instance, verify the presence of any added shape libraries post-update.