Relationship types

Relationship Types in YouDesign represent predefined methods of connecting elements within the ServiceNow platform, offering a structured approach to documenting and analyzing dependencies that cannot be altered by the user.

Visualn/aVisual Relationships show connections between shapes but don't contain data or logic, and can't be saved in ServiceNow's database. They serve solely as visual guides.
RelationshipRelationships in ServiceNow refer to connections between Configuration Items (CIs) in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) represented by the "cmdb_rel_ci" relationship type. These relationships enable the linking of multiple CIs, simplifying the management of their complex dependencies and interactions.
ReferenceReferences are a type of one-to-many relationship in ServiceNow, using “Reference” or “DocumentID” fields to associate one entry with several others, such as connecting a user's profile to multiple records in the system.
A single entry acts as the source, while multiple entries can be linked to it as targets.
HierarchyA hierarchy is represented as a reference field named "parent", "u_parent", or "appscope_parent" in ServiceNow.
This reference field sets up a hierarchy, structuring records into parent and child links that form a tree-like structure. Each record may have one parent and several children.
Related List 𝍌Related Lists enable many-to-many relationships, allowing you to see and manage how different records are connected from both sides of the association.


Eeach relationship symbol ( ⇆, ⟶ , ↳ , 𝍌 ) and its label are shown on their respective relationship connection line.

Relationship state

YouDesign stands out on the ServiceNow platform as the exclusive feature that lets you plan new relationships between records without changing current data. This allows you can try out different ideas and see their effects before making any actual changes, ensuring that everyone gets only the finished and approved updates.

Current StateCurrent state relationships in ServiceNow indicate established dependencies that are actively used within the platform.
Future StateFuture state relationships in YouDesign are potential dependencies not yet established in ServiceNow. They need approval or direct commitment by authorized users to become current.